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Author: Dr. Anugrah Narain Singh (Dr A N Singh)

Dhanvantari Nighantu - धन्वन्तरिनिघण्टुः by A N Singh

SKU: HA119
₹675.00 Regular Price
₹540.00Sale Price
  • The indispensable knowledge of Nighantu for a physician is evident from the wellknown verse emphasising that a physician without knowledge of Nighantu, a scholar without knowledge of grammar and soldier without weapons, all the three are proved ridiculous.

    In this regard Dhanvantari Nighantu having style of describing drugs and other items by way of synonyms and their properties, actions and uses; renders best help and possibly first and foremost in the history, where inclusion materials have been arranged systemetically into seven chapters, namely as-Guducyadi (bitter and evacuative drugs). Satpuspadi (spices), Candanadi (fragrance bearing substances), Karaviradi (small plants and herbs). Amradi (big fruity trees). Suvarnadi (minerals and dietary substances) and Misrakadi (groups of drugs and poisons).

    In this book for the ascertainment of mentioned drugs a new approach through taxonomical description will provide a valuable assistance in view of any doubt to scholars. In this context an effort has been made to overcome them as the references needed. Some valuable comments are also given where ever necessary which will certainly dignify the understanding and credit of this book amongst learned scholars.

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